
the PINE project

Philosophy of Indigenous Education

At the PINE Project, we are Indigenous philosophers and the descendants of boarding school survivors, passionately redefining research through Indigenous epistemologies. Our stance is unapologetically radical, directly challenging the entrenched norms of academic inquiry. As scholars and educators, we are committed to Indigenous research methodologies, favoring holistic and relational perspectives over the compartmentalized approaches typical of Western paradigms.

Our focus is the lasting impacts of boarding and residential schools. These institutions, which sought to suppress Indigenous identity, now serve as pivotal subjects in our studies of resilience, reclamation, and intergenerational knowledge transmission. Utilizing Indigenous research methods, we transform these narratives of historical oppression into powerful lessons of endurance and wisdom. As the descendants of survivors, our commitment in the academic sphere is to not only revise but reclaim the narrative of education, ensuring that Indigenous methodologies are recognized as essential to the evolution of scholarly thought. Join us on our journey.